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Our Team

The Bond Builder

Kate McKay

Kate believes that relationships are the key to retail. She’s our Ms. Motivator, bursting with energy and enthusiasm. She’s enticed out of bed every morning by a big bowl of overnight oats with our delicious vanilla whey (and coffee, but we’re sure that’s secondary). Her burning passion is Gaelic games. She’s grown up with them; playing, coaching and believing. When we talk about endurance, Kate understands it all too well, having slept upright for 12 weeks after a particularly nasty injury. She loves the taste and authenticity of our products, and we reckon she’s the real deal too.

The Partnership Pundit

Mark Bennett

Thankfully Mark is sound, because he’s the first port of call for all of our partners! He lives on the phone, loves his job and knows everything there is to know about sport. He always seems to find the right words – case in point, he says it’s our incredible work environment that gets him out of bed in the morning! His nutrition advice is as sound as himself – 1% better every day; little by little becomes a lot. Truth. He believes in Kinetica because it’s backed by science, used by athletes and also, it actually works!

The Opportunity Maker & Shaker

Seán Prunty

Seán shakes up more than his Kinetica Whey Protein on a daily basis, as he takes charge of developing the business. He’s our Mr. Positivity, and it’s a good thing too when he has three kids kicking him out of the bed every morning. Kicking has been a big feature of his life actually – he worked and worked until he realised his dream of becoming a professional footballer. Sadly, an injury ended this dream too early. But in true Kinetica style, Seán picked himself back up and found himself a new team to pursue new dreams with. Lucky for us, we were it!

The Magician

Ian Cairns

Ian is our creative talent, passionate about making things appear – ideas, content, memes, videos; the list goes on. He lives to create and creates to live! Always enthusiastic, Ian is keen to learn and improve both physically and mentally every day.

A family man (he has also created his son Billy!), his first sporting love is running, quickly followed by cycling, and he’s recently found himself bitten by the triathlon bug.

Inspired by NBA basketball player Lebron James (and his Mum), his nutrition advice is that you can always add, but you can never take away. We think this is sound advice, and we’re glad we’ve added Ian to our team!

Digital Driver

Michael Ryan

A relative newbie, Michael was sent back from the future to rock our digital worlds. A decent skin, he jumps out of bed every morning (well, after the third or fourth alarm), knowing the day is his to write. Hurling is his lifelong passion, and we’ve heard he’s more than decent at it. His nutritional mantra is ‘there’s no need for the second biscuit’ (told you he was a smart cookie). He believes in our team and our products and says completing a 180km charity cycle in a day is on his bucket list (we believe in him too – you can do it Michael!)

Fighter of the Fake

Emily Murphy

Inspired by Michelle Obama’s saying, ‘when they go low, we go high’, Emily believes in the Kinetica brand because it has similar values and rises above the fake. She’s as passionate about keeping it real as she is about keeping fit, and gets to channel both while getting things over the line in Kinetica Brandland. When she’s not managing our social media, liaising with brand ambassadors or looking after merchandise, she’s enjoying all things equine, especially horse racing (and as the newest member of our team, we reckon she’s a good bet!) Emily’s nutrition advice is to ignore the noise around ‘the next big thing’ and focus on the basics, including protein. You can see why we like her so much!


Captain Brandseye

Rebecca Fitzgerald

Rebecca steers the good ship Kinetica, mapping out strategies and navigating branding waters. She’s passionate and principled thanks to her parents, who always encouraged her to act with integrity, believe in herself and have a sense of humour (we can testify that she takes the last one very seriously!). Rebecca has competed in many sports – basketball, hockey and, reluctantly, golf! Her nutrition advice is that you have to be guided by how you feel. Speaking of which, we feel lucky to have her on our team, and our admiration for her is only outdone by her four-legged superfan, Stanley!

Mr. Grand Tour

Stephen McClean

When it comes to making Kinetica famous across the globe, we couldn’t have anyone better than Stephen in the saddle. He’s a powerhouse of productivity and loves a good list to keep him focussed. In fact, his bucket list contains some extreme cycling challenges, like the Majorca Sportive 312km! A passionate road cyclist, you could never tell Stephen ‘on your bike’, it would have to be ‘on your bikes’, such is his collection. His best nutrition advice is to eat and drink regularly if riding over 90 minutes – he’s learned this the hard way having ‘bonked’ (yes, that’s the technical term!) a couple of times with depleted glycogen stores. If Stephen isn’t on his bike, he’s on his yoga mat, and we occasionally tempt him into the office!